
Giacomo Garaffoni

Project & vision

My name is Giacomo Garaffoni, but if you are here you already know me, and for this time that you are dedicating to me I am deeply grateful to you. As you may know these last few years have been good to me, my work has received several honors and prizes and I was lucky enough to work on large projects with large partners. Including the Venice Biennale, ERT Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, the Piccolo Teatro in Milan and several esteemed artists in Italy and beyond. This path and these relationships have allowed me great personal and professional growth.

Today I decided to give a wider design dimension to my work, which I am happy to share with you. In the hope of being able to get to know each other, start an exchange and perhaps create a relationship and a common working ground in which perhaps you will want to share part of the road with me in this great adventure.

This page is here just to give you a quick glimpse of the things I’m working on, which can anticipate an appointment or a more direct exchange.

What am I working on

In recent months I have dedicated my work and my life to a new theatrical text, a great stage creation, complex and stratified yet direct, emotional and full of emotion. A project that today needs support and nourishment to grow and face its path.

The city will be destroyed at dawn

new creation | status: full text (first draft)

The fragment of the life of a woman who finds herself living a dark moment between infanticide and suicide. The fragchin of life of a boy,nato lass and destined to be everything. A work on motherhood, violence and loneliness. The mark it leaves on every life the ghost of unborn love. The absolute wonder and emotion of truly witnessing a birth every evening. An unprecedented fusion between cinema and theater. A story that ends to begin. Everything happens all together.


Keywords: Contemporary tragedy, fall, descent, memory, hybrid, hybridization of the species, lullaby, artificial intelligence,deep fake, Marilyn Monroe, Moire, Fates, destiny, love letter, memory.

What I have done so far

I just want the bones, my directorial debut, is a project that I strongly wanted, an ERT Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione production, which investigates the collapse of identity and the violent removal of the feminine from the contemporary world, through thehistory by Cristina Golinucci, a girl who has disappeared for over thirty years without leaving any trace. Faced with the mystery of such a burning and impenetrable absence, a mother is confronted with an impossible mourning and that a daughter who no longer exists, in a moved vortex towards an end that has been desired for too long.

Here all the materials of the show, the contacts for the circulation and a complete video.

What do I see on the horizon

In my vision there are, at the moment, two other stage productions. Daughters of the same complexity of projects like I just want the bones and The city will be destroyed at dawn. They are ideas, fragments and visions that I begin to see and get to know today.

There are also, on my workshop table, several smaller creatures, intermediate steps that allow my research to dizzy and more vertical lunges, as well as a greater contamination with the visual arts.

Future stage production ideas


The human heart

Hearts that stop beating.

Like a wave that rises and falls


A profound adaptation of the great Shakespearean classic, a text brought by me in the language of a theater that becomes the center of a violent world, that of today. A journey betweenWilliam T Vollman and the beating of a human heart, always present and always in the center. A work structured in close collaboration with some of the most important cardiology departments in the world.

Giovanna D’Arco

The little match girl

The border between vision and madness

The father



Hear the voices

Burn alive

Small projects, performances and monologues

Cult of Antinoo

Performance – Visual Arts

A project in which archeology of myth, visual arts and performance coexist with the great enigma of identity and origin that accompanies the contemporary world. An open construction site in every city of the world, to bring to light artifacts of the cult of Antinoo. The lost cult of love that transforms what is earthly into divine.



In a parking lot, in the middle of the night, a grown man shouts: Mom.

Theater – Performance

A young Antigone drags a car, bringing the corpse of Pier Paolo Pasolini into our time, and then burying it again every night. A scar on the ground, in order not to lose track of what we have killed, in order to forget it.



Theater – Performance

A great artist is branded. We observe a scene made up of crumbling artifactsBetween the artist’s hands, like relics of a bygone age, now turned into sand by the passing of the centuries, or like ideas that cannot be born. In this timeless field, a young creature brands an artist, all artists, children of the gift and condemnation of being oneself, with the palindrome EBE.

Giacomo Garaffoni

Project & Vision