From where and to what

Born in Cesena in 1981. Writer and director.

His theater is an observatory on emptiness and lack, which subtracts images, words and codes from collective memory; giving back what he took after contaminating it and irreparably marking it. A journey between ancient and contemporary tragedy, which continuously blends the languages ​​of theater, visual arts and literature. His journey begins by collaborating and studying with big names in Italian and European theater (Romeo Castellucci, Societas Raffaello Sanzio, Teatro Valdoca, Motus, Julien Gosselin, Joao Fiadeiro, Enrique Vargas and other).

Winner of Call for Authors from the Venice Biennial 2021 with the original text Veronica. Winner of Young Contemporary Art Award 2021 of the Emilia Romagna Region District. Winner of the Bando Across the Sea 2023, project of Ministry of Culture Italian and a group of national bodies, among which stand out Marche Theatre and Milan Triennale. finalist of Scenario Award 2013 with Silvia Costa. In 2012 he was invited by Romeo Castellucci to participate in the project Kadmos, promoted by BNP Paribas, and showed his works at the International Theater Festival IKSV Of Istanbul and at the Avignon Festival.

In November 2022 he made his debut at the historian Alessandro Bonci Theatre of Cesena the production ERT Emilia Romagna Theater Foundation (One of the most important Italian National Theaters), I just want the bones. A work, written and directed by Garaffoni, starring the actresses Alice Torriani and Livia Rossi. An ambitious creation, with a strong visual impact, which after more than three years of research and writing, aims to make a breakthrough on the narration of the real story of the disappearance of Cristina Golinucci, a girl who vanished on September 1, 1992 outside the Convent of the Capuchin Friars of Cesena, Italy. The approach to what is real precipitates an emotional descent, which sees the public as a direct witness of the collapse of personal identity and of the great mystery represented by absence and lack.

In June 2023 made his debut at Venice Biennale the mise en scene of his text Veronica, directed by Federica Rosellini (Ubu Award 2021), the scenes of Paola Villani (Ubu Award 2022) and with the production of the Biennale itself and the Narni Festival. The first study of the same project was produced by Piccolo Teatro from Milan. Veronica is a classic tragedy, which shapes an everyday tragedy, an uncanny point of equilibrium between mourning and gestation. Five female figures move on a journey of no return towards a new family, far from an inhospitable contemporary world.

In 2020, together with the visual artist Michele Ambroni and the set designer Sophia Rossi, founded Indocile Collettivo, with which he starts an experiment on the performative act as a fundamental and unrepeatable moment of creation of artistic artifacts. In the same year he wrote and interpreted Cassandra, the right to speak. Performance and exhibition produced by FAI Fund for the Italian Environment and from Emilia Romagna Region District. This site specific project crosses the abandoned Italian asylums and closes its path in the context of Parma European  Capital of Culture 2021

In the recent years, while continuing his authorial work, continues the historic collaboration with Romeo Castellucci, with which it participates in the entire production of his last creation Bros (2021) and for which he is Scene Movement Assistant in the  performance Milan (2021), produced by Milan Triennale. There are also several forays, between performing arts and visual arts, into the works of as many international artists, including Salvatore Vitale, Yuri Ancarani, Alex Majoli and Cesura Collective.

Today he continues his commitment to writing about emptiness, lack and everything we spend a lifetime trying to forget. In the constant attempt to contaminate that shared cultural archive that we call memory.