Cassandra. The right to speak.

Giacomo Garaffoni, Michele Ambroni, Sofia Rossi Indocile Collective  *Young contemporary art award 2021. Emilia Romagna Region District.   Cassandra is taken away from Troy in the aftermath of the massacre carried out by the Greek heroes, during the taking of the city. Cassandra is a seer, Cassandra is cursed,

Veronica – Mise en lecture

by Giacomo Garaffoni direction Federica Rosellini *Winning text of the 2021 authors award of the Venice Biennale.   A group of young women becomes a community the day after the death of one of them. Veronica. The scene will never see it. Veronica is a tragedy. Veronica begins the

I just want the bones

Text and direction: Giacomo Garaffoni Production: ERT Emilia Romagna Theater Foundation With: Alice Torriani and Livia Rossi   On September 1, 1992, outside the convent of the Capuchin Friars of Cesena, a small town in north-east Italy, the young girl Cristina Golinucci disappeared without leaving a trace. With I just